Worm Infestation in children

Does your child complain of frequent belly aches?

Does he/she point to her navel and complain if in pain?

Is he/she not putting on weight inspite of having a good appetite?

Does your baby grind his/her teeth during sleep?

Does he/she complain of itching in the anus?

Does he/she also have wheezing/dry cough?


Then your child is suffering from worms in the belly which needs immediate medical attention for quick recovery.

Almost all children from the age of 2 to 8 are susceptible to worm infestation and a deworming routine is needed every 6 months to prevent complications and relapse. Children unlike older people are unaware of personal hygiene or self care. They tend to play in the mud and dirt with their hands and use the same hands to eat or pick their noses unknowingly/knowingly. The problem starts there. The eggs of the worms from the mud or dirt enters their body through their nose (nasal mucous membrane) and the mouth (gastric mucosa) and the eggs hatch in their intestines and grow into worms and trouble the child. Sometimes partially cooked food and meat causes the eggs in the meat to enter into the child’s body. The symptoms arising out of the fully grown worms result in a lot of discomfort which goes to the extent of sleep disturbances in children.

Homeopathy aims in bringing relief to the child by not only killing the worms, but also neutralizing its toxins in the body and help in preventing relapse of more severe symptoms. The improvement in terms of appetite, pain and other annoying symptoms starts within 1 or 2 days. A constitutional prescription that includes the child’s mental state, physical state like appetite, thirst, sleep, food intolerance/desires/aversions and specific symptoms particular to the child will help in developing a holistic prescription thereby avoiding relapse.

To conclude, self-care and personal hygiene by teaching the children to wash hands after playing, wearing shoes while playing in the mud, avoid defecating in the open, trimming the child’s nails periodically and following a healthy dietary pattern, eating well cooked food, and drinking boiled water helps in preventing worm infestations in children.


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