Sleep – How important and different should it be in Summer?

Nidra or sleep is one of the three pillars of life according to Ayurveda.

Sleep gives immunity, power of creativity, improves power of concentration, relieves both physical and mental fatigue. These properties of sleep are derived only through sleep at night. Day sleep on the other hand, has limited benefits. But those limited benefits are attained when slept during the day in summer.

Summer is the time of accumulation of Vata according to Ayurveda’s Greeshma Ritu features. Coupled with extremely hot weather, people who live in dry arid zones and with Vata-Pitta constitution face more challenging effect of Vata-Pitta association, leading to extreme fatigue and dip in productivity. Sleep during night by its nature pacifies Vata-Pitta while day sleep in summer gives the required tolerance capacity to go through extreme temperature during summer.

Hence, it is essential to sleep at night for a duration of at least 7 to 8 hours. Not sleeping at night during summer results in excessive dryness, tiredness in eyes, headache, dizziness, erratic digestion, yellow urination, body pain and feeling of blankness frequently. People who have scope for day sleep too, can do it after two hours of lunch and the duration can be up to two hours. Sleep promoters are lukewarm milk, cardamom, watery fruits and natural evening breeze. Caffeine, tea, carbonated drinks, citrus fruits, spicy food are to be avoided as they reduce sleep.

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