Allergy issues of skin are due to erroneous diet-lifestyle combination. People belonging to Pitta-vata prakriti (constitution) and physical make up being blood based( Raktasara) are vulnerable. Siblings and succeeding generations may inherit allergic skin disorder tendency if Prakriti matches but more importantly diet and lifestyle mistakes manifest the problem. Ayurveda talks about Satmya(tuned or habituated diet and lifestyle) When Satmya involves non recommended practices like incompatible food combinations or sudden exposure to new non native food articles then, allergies of the skin will be the first to happen as skin is the immediate target tissue for rasa(plasma). The impact of good or bad food and lifestyle is primarily on the rasa dhatu.

Allergic disorders of the skin are of various types like urticaria, allergic contact dermatitis etc. The treatment of Allergic skin disorders involves removal of toxins( metabolic waste) through purgation, external application and palliative medicines which restore the usual skin texture. It has to be remembered that a person who is cured of allergies of skin should resort to wholesome diet and activity plan to avoid recurrence.

What is Eczema?

It is a common non contagious skin condition common in both adults and children. It is characterized by multiple patchy redness, dryness, itching, swelling, roughness, crusting and oozing.It is located commonly on the neck, flexor surfaces (elbows, knees,), eyelids, torso, behind the ears.There can be crusting and itching leading to oozing of fluid and the skin can also become dry and cracked over a period of time.

What are the triggers/ causative factors?

Scratchy clothes, animal danders, excessive sweating, household cleaning products, dust, harsh soaps, certain plants, low humidity, certain plants, some skin lotions, general allergic condition or predisposition to develop asthma, hay fever and hypersensitivity

When to see a doctor?

When itching and other symptoms disrupts his/her daily activities

When skin becomes irritated and infected and the oozing discharge is offensive and the person develops fever.

What is the general management of eczema?

Avoid prolonged contact of skin with soaps/ shampoo/irritants, avoid tight fitting clothing that cause excessive sweating, stress management techniques and adequate sleep. 

Homeopathic Management of Eczema

Homeopathy is based on a holistic approach taking the person’s mind, emotions and body into consideration and finding the root cause of the ailment and individualizing the case.

Eczema can be effectively treated in Homeopathy. The Homeopath will ask you a set of questions about the following so a keen observation of yourself and your physical condition is necessary.

Homeopathic management and remedy selection focusses on the following factors.

  • Causative and triggering factors,
  • Duration and severity of suffering
  • Location of skin lesion
  • Any specific sensation related to the lesion
  • Side of the body affected
  • Modalities and concomittants- Factors that improve or worsen the condition, any other related/non related symptoms associated with present condition.
  • How the body reacts to certain time of the day/ weather and temperature changes
  • Family and past history of similar illness and other generalities like appetite, thirst, sleep which help in individualizing the case which is unique to Homeopathy.

Superficial fungal infection of skin is the most common dermatological manifestation affecting up to 15% of world’s population in all age group. Come winter, it will be back again to cause itching , redness and even pain in many individuals. Known as Dadru in Ayurvedic terms, it spreads person to person by malaja krimi ( invisible organisms through human waste) through sweat (contact with infected person, contact with clothes of infected person etc.) Due to the sharing of towels, bed sheets, soap, handkerchief etc of infected person causes the spreading of micro-organism from one person to another person. These most often happen to be Tinea variants, ring worm or candidiasis variants( more in female ) But such a skin issue cannot be blamed as only due to  fungal infection. Allergic tendency in the individual, unwholesome diet and lack of self hygiene are potential causes for this to trouble again. People born with Pitta vata or Kapha Pitta constitution and body tissue dominance ( dhatu sara) of medas ( fat) or rakta ( blood)  are more vulnerable. The skin lesions are typically red or coppery in colour, with itching, scaling, vesicles or blisters even occuring in abdomen, inner thigh, arm pit etc.

Mode of spread can be human to human- ring worm often spread by direct, skin to skin contact
with an infected person.
 Animal to human- ring worm can spread by rubbing or grooming dogs and cats it is also fairly common in cows.
 By touching objects-ring worm can spread by contact with objects or surfaces that an infected person animal has recently touched or rubbed against, such as clothing, towel, bedding and linens, combs, and brushes.
 From soil- if working or standing barefoot in soil that’s infected with the fungus, that causes ringworm

Fungal Skin Infections: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments

Causes that are due to diet & hygiene errors

Honey, Sugar, jaggery, fish, aquatic or marine meat, curd, more of salt and sour taste in diet, eating while previous food is yet to digest, contaminated water, long term use of some drugs, heavy food especially at night,

Ayurvedic treatment involves detox through purgation followed by palliative medicines and external applications. External treatment alone will not prevent recurrence. In fact, relapse can be averted only by periodical detoxification. Relief is possible in few days and using medicated water for local wash and bathing will help for long term results.

What is Psoriasis?

It is a chronic, non-contagious disease in which the skin cells are abnormally and rapidly replaced by new cells forming flaky eruptions that are dry and cause itching. Normally our skin renews itself in 30 days but in psoriasis, this process is hastened up resulting in thickening of skin and formation of flakes.

Since the immune system is involved, nails and joints can also be affected.

What are the causes of Psoriasis?

The exact cause of psoriasis is still vague though it is found to be hyper-reaction of the immune system mainly T cells.

Other triggering factors are prolonged high mental stress levels which can impact the immune system, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, infections and certain medications, obesity, other allergies and dietary patterns, genetic and family history of skin related ailments.

What are the symptoms of psoriasis?

  • Red or brown, dry and itchy skin over the scalp, extensor surfaces of elbow, knee, ankle, back of the hand
  • Dry white flakes in itching, burning sensation.
  • Cracked skin which may bleed
  • Thick and pitted nails
  • Stiff and swollen joints.

Homeopathic Management of Psoriasis

Homeopathy is based on a holistic approach taking the person’s mind, emotions and body into consideration and finding the root cause of the ailment and individualizing the case.

Psoriasis can be effectively treated in Homeopathy. The Homeopath will ask you a set of questions about the following so a keen observation of yourself and your physical condition is necessary.

Homeopathic management and remedy selection focuses on the following factors.

  • Causative and triggering factors,
  • Duration and severity of suffering
  • Location of skin/joint lesion
  • Any specific sensation related to the lesion
  • Side of the body affected
  • Modalities and concomitants- Factors that improve or worsen the condition, any other related/non related symptoms associated with present condition.
  • How the body reacts to a certain time of the day/ weather and temperature changes
  • Family and past history of similar illness and other generalities like appetite, thirst, sleep which help in individualizing the case which is unique to Homeopathy.