Physical Activity that can lead to a disease – Two wheeler travel

While driving a two wheeler especially a leg gear bike and brake operation through one leg, a person has to sit with legs opened wide sideways or extended knee with legs forward, depending on the vehicle. Wrist, fingers will also be busy using the accelerator or applying brake on the another hand. The important parts of the body involved are the spine – involving both cervical and lower spine areas. In case of long distance driving, even mid part of the spine will be under strain for want of balance. Respective nerve roots arising from spine running to the hands and legs will be busy executing the activity.

In this scenario, we have to consider two important unfavourable outcomes – physical ailments like spondylosis, disc bulge etc and metabolic errors. It is not just sitting in an office that can be termed as sedentary. If seen from Ayurveda perspective, even two-wheeler travel should fall in sedentary category as here the distance is traversed without healthy energy expenditure, the proportionate workload to skeletal muscles and on top of it, mechanical issues to spine and limbs.

Physical ailments – disc bulge causing nerve root compression, neural foraminal stenosis ( more challenging to treat) cervical/ lumbar spondylosis, sciatica.

Metabolic errors with postural mistake – a person consumes spicy, sour, vata increasing food ( like proteins – but not giving muscular work) and travels in hot weather by two wheeler, then conditions like sacro-iliac arthritis, sero negative spondyloarthropathy could happen. If he is diabetic then that would cause circulatory deficits to lower limbs, nerve conduction issues. If low on fluids, consuming dry deep fried food stuffs with above said travel pattern, then renal calculi can form.

It is a vast area to consider when we think of disorders that arise out of two wheeler travel. Two wheeler travel with diet history, other lifestyle aspects and constitution/tissue make up will determine the type of disease that might befall.

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