What is Cervical spondylosis?

It is an age-related wear and tear of the cervical vertebrae (bones), discs, and joints of the neck. The discs which form a cushion between each cervical vertebrae start shrinking due to dehydration leading to stiffness and pain.

What are the causes of cervical spondylosis?

  • Age related, occupation involving putting a lot of stress on the neck bones, neck injuries, genetic factors.
  • Dehydrated vertebral discs,
  • Herniated discs- bulging or protrusion of the discs through the vertebrae
  • Formation of dense and thick ligaments between the cervical bones and extra growth of neck bones forming spurs.

Symptoms of cervical spondylosis

Pain over the nape of neck, morning stiffness, sometimes pain may radiate to the head.

Since the spinal cord nerves come out of the vertebral bones, people with cervical spondylosis may experience pain, numbness and tingling in the shoulders, upper back, arms, forearms and fingers.

General pain management like hot fomentation and rest is advised for people who have severe symptoms.

Homeopathic Management of Cervical spondylosis:

Homeopathy is based on a holistic approach by finding the root cause of the ailment and individualizing the case.

Cervical spondylosis can be effectively treated in Homeopathy. The Homeopath will ask you a set of questions regarding the following so a keen observation of yourself and your physical condition is necessary.

Homeopathic management and remedy selection focuses on the following factors.

  • Causative triggering factors
  • Duration and severity of suffering
  • In case of pain- location of pain, any specific sensation related to pain, numbness, radiation etc
  • Modalities and concomitants- Factors that improve or worsen the condition, any other related/non related symptoms associated with present condition.
  • Family and past history of similar illness and other generalities like appetite, thirst, sleep which help in individualizing the case which is unique to Homeopathy.

Reference- A Concise Textbook of Surgery- S Das




What is Thyroid?

It is a gland situated in the throat on either side of the wind pipe and utilizes iodine to produce hormones. T4 or thyroxine is the primary hormone secreted by the thyroid gland and it reaches the blood stream to be converted into T3, the most active form. Thyroid hormone is mainly responsible for regulating the body's metabolism in other words, it is responsible for the production of energy from the food we eat. The secretion is controlled by pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Pituitary gland releases TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) which stimulates the secretion of T4 from the gland. Any qualitative or quantitative alterations in these hormonal secretion results in various changes in the body. Insufficient hormone secretion results in hypothyroidism and decrease in metabolism of the body. Excessive hormone secretion results in increased metabolism and known as hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis.

Depending on the quantitative changes in the hormones (T3, T4, TSH) the diseases of thyroid are classified as follows.

Hyperthyroidism- Simple non toxic goiter, thyrotoxicosis, Grave's disease, multinodular goiter, tumours of thyroid gland

Hypothyroidism- myxedema in adults, Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Symptoms of thyroid disease-

Hyperthyroidism- Increased T3, T4,  decreased TSH

  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Excessive sweating
  • Increased bowel movement
  • Weight loss
  • Hair-loss
  • Tiredness
  • Nervousness
  • Palpitations and anxiety

Hypothyroidism- Decreased T3, T4, increased TSH

  • Sluggishness
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Hair-loss
  • Depression
  • Excessive menstrual bleeding and late periods
  • Chilliness and loss of vital heat in the body.

Homeopathic Management of Thyroid diseases-

Homeopathy is based on a holistic approach taking the person’s mind, emotions and body into consideration and finding the root cause of the ailment and individualizing the case. The Homeopath will ask you a set of questions about the following so a keen observation of yourself and your physical condition is necessary. Diathesis (tendency to acquire a specific disease) and Constitutional (considering every person is different in terms of mind and body) prescription is practiced for prevention of relapses.

Homeopathic management and remedy selection focuses on the following factors.

  • Causative factors as Homeopathy believes helps in giving permanent relief to the patient
  • Duration and severity of suffering
  • Concomitants- Any other related/non related symptoms associated with present condition.
  • Family and past history of similar illness and other generalities like appetite, thirst, sleep, bladder and bowel habits which help in individualizing the case and select a constitutional remedy specific to the patient which is also unique to Homeopathy.