Morning sickness in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a happy, daunting and challenging phase in the life of women. Whether you are a first-time parent-to-be or a parenting expert, pregnancy often throws up a million questions and difficulties which are subjective to the woman. One such difficulty is morning sickness which affects 80% of pregnant women during the first trimester and some till labour.

So what is morning sickness and what causes it?

Morning sickness is nausea that comes on immediately after waking from sleep in the morning although it can occur at any time of the day. Some might experience it the whole day or after a meal which forces them to vomit and thereby giving temporary relief. Vomiting can be severe in certain women leading to a condition called Hyperemesis gravidarum and causes severe dehydration seen as dark urine, increased thirst, dizziness and blood in the vomit, dull headache, palpitations and weight loss which needs immediate medical attention. You can always be rest assured that unless the symptoms are severe your baby is safe in spite of the queasy feeling that you get in your tummy!

During the first three months of pregnancy, a hormone called hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is increased in the blood and known to cause morning sickness. Other factors that worsen morning sickness are emotional stress, frequent travels, having twins or triplets, and excessive fatigue.

It is absolutely safe to take Homeopathic medicines during pregnancy and lactation.

Homeopathic treatment focuses on giving relief from nausea thereby allowing the woman to stay healthy throughout the pregnancy. Remedies are selected considering the patient as a person, as well as her pathological condition after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution, subjective and objective symptoms etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. After a careful selection of remedy, the improvement in terms of vomiting and general physical condition can be seen in a few days.

During these difficult times, it is essential to concentrate on self-care by keeping ourselves hydrated, eating small quantities at frequent intervals, taking regular naps and walks, ventilate rooms properly for fresh air and sunlight, indulging in some books or music, avoiding foods that cause nausea and taking vitamins and iron supplements as a routine, practicing prenatal yoga and meditation.

To conclude, motherhood is a joyful time to pamper and spend time with ourselves and the baby. If you are among those who have no morning sickness, consider yourself not just pregnant but lucky, too!

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