A painful disease that affects multiple joints including smaller joints affecting females more has an autoimmune background. According to Ayurveda, autoimmune process is that which either retards body’s active physiology or produces an aberration effecting loss of cellular integrity. The former is the case with RA. In rheumatoid arthritis, the body’s immune system attacks its own tissue, including joints. In severe cases, it attacks internal organs.

Rheumatoid arthritis affects joint linings, causing painful swelling. Over long periods of time, the inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis can cause bone erosion and joint deformity.

Patients go through the following symptoms

Pain is present in the joints, back, or muscles. Joints will have stiffness, swelling, tenderness, or weakness. Fatigue, anaemia or malaise are seen. Skin develops lumps or redness. Hand will contain a bump on the finger or swelling. Other common symptoms are flare, dry mouth, physical deformity, or sensation of pins and needles. Age group from 19-40 are most affected.

Ayurveda has a comprehensive understanding of the disease and treatment starts from correction of digestion and metabolism. Pain and especially stiffness do not disappear as long as patient’s digestion and sweat output are brought back to normal. Ayurveda medicines act at the level of Dhatwagni ( Rasa dhatwagni) by digesting Ama ( toxin created by own body by the effect of unwholesome food and regimen) In RA, dhawagni has to be treated back to normal by the course of which blood test factors like ESR, AntiCCP, RA factor etc. will fall back to standard range. Ayurveda’s Vatarakta chikitsa principles play a pivotal role in ensuring a better quality of life and improved mobility. Treatment is usually need for one year to three years to prevent relapse of RA during rains and cold season. Strict diet is absolutely necessary like avoiding heavy food, tamarind, tomato, citrus fruits, capsicum, red chilly etc.


Varicose veins

Varicose veins are superficial veins that become prominent due to enlargement. They occur in the legs mostly by the effect of gravity which is worsened by obesity, prolonged standing, frequent travel and excessive walking. Ayurveda advocates abhyanga especially Padabhyanga ( foot massage) with gingelly oil every day to prevent occurrence of varicose vein. This is because, lubrication with gingelly oil delivers its properties to the legs and feet which eventually strengthens bones, skin and muscle tissue. The venous walls are thus fortified which makes them capable of aiding in return of blood upwards against gravity. But lifestyle in current era has little elements of ancient medicine like padabhyanga which results in effects like Varicose vein. If varicose vein has already affected the individual, then Ayurveda treatment helps in establishing anuloma vata, correcting blood flow channel by working on Apana-Vyana vayu and implementing the principles of Siragata vata. Treatment involves internal and external medicines. External medications include oil and powder as topical application. Curability of varicose vein depends on the severity but relief is definitely possible for Varicose vein. Treatment period is usually 2 to 6 months.

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