Human existence has traversed through several thousands of innovations and discoveries though filled with sleepless days of hard work, agony and frustration. What man has achieved since his creation has stretched across all aspects of life ranging from transport, communication till advancement in health care. In spite of many such strides in life graph, one thing that has been elusive is the mantra for Healthy living. Over the years, understanding about Health has evolved and now complete as defined by World Health Organization. Apart from physical, mental and social components, spiritual aspect has also been added. Interestingly, this matches exactly with Ayurveda’s definition of health which includes, pleasant functioning of mind, sense organs and Self awareness( conscious of Atman or Soul being eternal and beyond physical body or mind). Ayurveda stresses that body and mind would remain healthy if the Three Doshas( bio-energies) digestive fire-metabolism, the tissues-cellular processes and excretory mechanisms are in state of equilibrium.  To make this happen, the following rules are to be followed – a systematic daily routine that executes timely eating, hygiene, activity and rest, proper seasonal regimen, regulated diet and orderly eating habit, total care of sense organs ( prevention of excessive/inhibited/defective indulgence of sense organs, limbs, excretory organ and reproductive apparatus in the body) disciplined thinking and ethical living. Time, weather changes, nature’s fury and untimely climatic variations are beyond human control but their impact on health can be prevented or curbed to a larger extent by adhering to the rules mentioned above. Every person is born with his own inherent Prakriti( body-mind constitution) according to Ayurveda. It is this Prakriti which decides a person’s vulnerabilities and strengths. In accordance with this coding, an individual’s temperament, intellectual capacity, creativity, preferences in food, digestive capacity, sensitivity also vary. The general guidelines laid down by Ayurveda with respect to diet, lifestyle, daily regimen and seasonal aspects are intended to minimize the chances of contracting any disease upon exposure. Health is achievable through Ayurveda in a holistic manner delivering benefits to body, mind and intellect.