Pain and stiffness in the shoulder with restrictive movement related to rotation of arm is usually due to a condition called Frozen shoulder. Also known as Adhesive Capsulitis, it happens as a primary problem or as a common secondary effect of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus.  Symptoms begin to develop slowly and manifest over a period of time. Non usage of the affected shoulder in the past is a major contributor for its occurrence. As it progresses, intensity of pain comes down while range of motion becomes very less. Bones (Shoulder blade, collar bone & arm bone) ligaments and tendons that make up the shoulder joint are encased in a capsule of connective tissue. Frozen shoulder occurs when this capsule thickens and tightens around the shoulder joint, restricting its movement. Tendency to thicken happens either due to restricted usage or diabetes related changes in nature of connective tissue covering the joint. Ayurveda sees this as Amsasosha or Amsasandhigatavata which is due to association of Vata-kapha. Treatment involves external application of specific oil especially those which include coconut shell, lemon because they improve circulation and lubrication. Internal medication includes Kashaya and medicinal oil. Treatment duration is usually three months to eight months. It is treatable and at the same time, care is needed to avoid recurrence.

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What is Tennis elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)?

It is common condition affecting the elbow joint where the joint surface and tendons attached to it are worn out due to excess/repeated usage resulting in pain during movement of the affected joint.

Repeated usage of the joint leads to small tears in the tendons and forearm muscles attached to the outer part of the elbow.


Over use of elbow joint as in extending the elbow joint while painting, doing plumbing works, playing tennis etc.

Symptoms of Tennis elbow:

Pain is the major symptom. It is caused when the elbow is fully extended and during the dorsiflexion of wrist against resistance.

A tender spot may be present on the outer half of the elbow.

General Management-

Reducing the usage of the affected joint, resting the forearm in sling or plaster.

Homeopathic management of tennis elbow:

Tennis elbow can be effectively treated in Homeopathy.

Homeopathic management and remedy selection focuses on the following factors.

  • Causative and triggering factors,
  • Duration and severity of suffering
  • Any specific sensation related
  • Side of the body affected
  • Modalities and concomitants- Factors that improve or worsen the condition, any other related/unrelated symptoms associated with present condition.

Reference- A Concise Textbook of Surgery- S Das