Food intolerance is the order of the day across India, once again due to random eating habits and wrong lifestyle. Lactose intolerance is the most talked about topic among mothers in the country but it is their own mistakes during pregnancy which makes children suffer from this problem. Milk is the only source of wholesome nutrition to infants and children but unfortunately they are prohibited from having it. Intolerance to any food be it milk in children or other food articles in adults is due to improper digestion. To be specific, Jataragni(preliminary seggregation of essence and waste) and bhutagni(detailing and chanelization of food essence based on five elements) are affected.

Now the question comes about the solution for lactose intolerance in children. Revival of healthy digestion, establishing timely appetite and bowel avacuation, systematic introduction of milk derivatives starting from lighter buttermilk(butter removed and half diluted) (mixed with broken boiled rice gruel) then ghee with boiled rice , curd and finally milk. It must be noted that milk when boiled with equal amount of water and reduced to half, reduces chances of lactose intolerance and minimizes the negatives of pasteurized milk.
In adults, Periodic diarrhea may result from food intolerance or from ingestion of spicy or high-fiber foods or caffeine. Dependence or addiction to such food is to be blamed than the digestibility of the individual. People with gall stones or removed gall bladder experience fatty food intolerance and frequent indigestion. This is to be tackled only by resorting to healthier food options like lighter food with ghee in measured quantity. Most often, besan flour based food or snacks coupled with refined oil or ground nut oil is the reason behind intolerance to fatty food stuff.

Mantra for curing food intolerance is awareness about own digestive capacity, self control and essential basic knowledge about properties of common day to day food.


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