From Night owl to Early bird!

Morning- Tired?

Evening- Dying for rest?

Night- Can’t sleep?

That is exactly what we call Insomnia or sleeplessness!

A recent survey tells us that 6 out of 10 people suffer from sleeplessness and is common in teenagers, middle age and old age.

Sleep is very important for physical and mental health. Regular sleeping habits help us maintain a healthy weight, improve concentration and productivity and immune function. Research says that a good sleep can prevent/prolong the onset Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, stroke, heart diseases and clinical depression.

Sleeplessness for some, it is just recently developed. For some it is a chronic disorder. Insomnia can be very distressing in itself. It can be developed after mental stress, erratic work schedule/sleeping habits. Even some disorders and medications also cause sleeplessness.

In Homeopathy, the concept of treatment involves finding the causative factor and treating symptoms that are specific and individualistic because different causative factors affect different people and every person exhibits different symptoms. For some might have difficulty in falling asleep, some have have a disturbed sleep due to nightmares and some wake up in the middle of the night and find it difficult to fall asleep there after. And the dosage of medicines depends on the severity, age and vitality of the person suffering. A good prognosis is usually observed in 1 or 2 weeks. The person improves physically and mentally during the course of treatment. Medicines helps in uprooting the cause and providing him with a good night’s sleep and find a positive outlook towards life and boosts his self-confidence so that he worries less and has the confidence to overcome any hurdles.

What can you possibly do to get a good night’s sleep along with medications?

There are a few hacks that can be followed.

  1. Going to sleep at the same time every night and waking up every morning at same time.
  2. Practice Meditation/yoga/regular exercise for a calming sensation and to tackle physical and mental stress.
  3. Make your bedroom comfortable and fix up a yellow light in your bedroom and dim all the lights by 6 in the evening. Bright lights and blue lights as in mobile phones tell your brain that it’s wake time. Sending your brain that right signals to fall asleep help in tuning your body clock for a good night’s sleep.
  4. Avoid looking at mobile phones or the television before going to bed for the above mentioned reason.
  5. Follow a routine like reading books or listening to music just before sleep.
  6. Thinking or reliving happy moments and feeling grateful for all the good things you have helps in calming your mind.
  7. Avoid caffeine and drink some warm milk before going to bed, it helps in soothing the senses and preparing your body for sleep.

To conclude, Insomnia is a disorder and can be effectively treated in homeopathy in a matter of a few days to week along with some lifestyle changes.

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