Scorching heat and sunlight in summer effect tiredness which is first conveyed through our eyes. Among the five sensory organs, the organ of vision works seamlessly because of Alochaka Pitta   ( one among the five types of Pitta). This gives the eye the ability to appreciate colours and in association with the nervous system executes vision that is moderated by intellectual function. In summer, the extreme hot conditions impact eye easily due to its vulnerability factor( being governed by regulated heat principle – Alochaka pitta) For this reason, the eyes are to be exposed to soothing and cooling things that shield the eyes against impact of heat.

Three main methods are to be followed everyday

  1. Washing the eyes with clear water at least two times a day.
  2. Minimizing exposure to sunlight as well as bright objects of radiation
  3. Practice of palming – seeing darkness by enclosing the eyes inside our own palms.

Certain other habits to be avoided for eye protection during summer

  • Taking bath immediately after returning from hot environment and exercise.
  • Drinking ice cold water soon after exposure to hot weather and exercise.
  • Consuming excessive amount of spicy food. Limiting pickles in diet
  • Staying awake at night and that too with exposure to television, computers and
  • Stress and loss of temper

Use of certain drops for the eye are beneficial in summer. Ideally the ingredients should contain chandan, rose water etc. They not only help in cooling the eyes but also help to reduce chances of inflammation or infection. Usage of wheat in lighter form after steam cooking is recommended. If digestion is good, ghee has to be included with the first bolus of rice. Overall, eye care is important in summer as it is a season when ageing process is more than other seasons.

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