Middle Ear Infection

Known as CSOM / Otitis media, this condition is prevalent in Pitta kapha consitution with Rakta(blood) or Mamsa ( muscle) based body tissue component. Otitis media is inflammation of the normally air-filled middle ear with the accumulation of fluid behind the
eardrum, occurring either in one ear or both. Otitis media is the most common reason for visits to physicians by children and also can occur in adults. Fluid accumulated in that area can be either clear and sterile or pus.  Pus usually accumulates due to  bacterial infection and in this sub type fever, chills, nausea , severe pain can be experienced.Chronic otitis media can develop from an acute attack, increasing size of adenoids or chronic sinusitis. Otoscopy reveals the presence of a fluid-filled middle ear. Audiometry may reveal mild to severe hearing loss.

Treatment from Ayurvedic perspective yields positive response. Prevention of recurrence is the primary objective of treatment which needs to be supported bu diet and lifestyle changes. Internal medications may be required for two to three weeks to reduce severity of symptoms and for prevention, medicines are to be taken for up to six months or in divided schedules based on seasonal vulnerability. External medication in the form of ear drops have less role, whereas kavala/gandusha, dhoopa prayoga(herbal fumigation) steam inhalation and lepam(herbal paste application) contribute a lot in this condition.

Sinusitis refers to an inflammation of the tissues that line the sinuses, which are air spaces within the bones of the face close to the nose. Sinusitis is most often caused by an infection within these spaces. Sinusitis is usually classified as either acute or chronic. Acute sinusitis usually has a rapid onset; it is often a complication of the common cold but can also be triggered by allergies, bacterial infections, or fungal infections. Sinusitis that lasts longer than eight weeks, or keeps recurring (four or more times per year), is called chronic sinusitis.
About 90% of people will have an episode of sinusitis at some point in life. Most people diagnosed with sinusitis are young or middle-aged adults. Sinusitis is very rare in children younger than 18 months because the sinuses are not yet fully developed in infants. Sinusitis is equally common in males and females and in all racial and ethnic groups. Sinusitis is almost always due to an infection, although swelling from allergies can mimic the symptoms of pressure, pain, and congestion; and allergies can set the stage for a bacterial infection. Fever, headache, pain in the sinus spaces, pain in the jaws, cough. Drainage from the nose often changes from a clear color to a thicker, yellowishgreen discharge. Some children, in particular, get upset stomachs from the infected drainage going down the back of their throats, and being swallowed into their stomachs. Chronic sinusitis occurs when the problem has existed for at least eight weeks. Drainage, may drip constantly down the back of the throat, resulting in a continuously sore throat and bad breath. swelling around the eyes or unusual irritability and fatigue are often associated with sinusitis in children, apart from discharge of yellowish or green mucus, sore throat, bad breath, fever above 100.4F, and symptoms lasting longer than 10–14 days.
Ayurveda sees Acute sinusitis  as a Kapha-Pitta dominant nasaroga( nasal disease) or  peenasa(Dushta pinasa is acute infection). Treatment involves internal medicines including anti-infective herbs herbal or herbomineral origin inclusing Tulasi, Rasna, Guduchi etc. and external procedures like Lepam(paste application over sinus) Dhoomapana ( medicated smoke inhalation) medicated steam inhalation, medicated drops on cloth for inhalation, Dhoopana(fumigation) scalp application and gandusha(gargling) . When sinus are drained of thick mucous and nasal discharge has ceased, medicated nasal drops are instilled for strengthening the sinus spaces. Chronic Sinusitis is seen as a Kapha dominant condition which needs slightly modified approach, less aggressive than the treatment of Acute Sinusitis.

What is Rhinitis?

Most commonly referred as common cold, it is the irritation and inflammation of the inside of the nose namely the nasal passage/mucous membrane. It can be acute (sudden), chronic, allergic (hay fever) or atrophic.

Allergic rhinitis occurs mostly in children who are exposed to certain allergens and that progresses to chronic rhinitis.

What are the causes of rhinitis?

  • Infections- Viral or bacterial
  • Allergens- environmental or occupational irritants like dust, perfumes, chemicals, plants and clothing
  • Certain foods and beverages, weather changes and atmospheric conditions
  • Certain medications and prolonged usage of nasal decongestants, hormonal changes.
  • Secondary to chronic sinusitis
  • Incase of allergic rhinitis, the causes can be hereditary and/or hormonal.

What are the symptoms of Rhinitis?

  • Stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • burning sensation in the inside of the nose
  • Nasal discharge or dryness
  • Fever (occasional) in case of infectious causes
  • Loss of smell
  • Crusting of the mucous membrane
  • Irritation of eyes and ears (allergic rhinitis); can also lead to asthma

General Management of Rhinitis-

Refraining oneself from exposure to allergens.

Steam inhalation, keeping oneself hydrated, avoiding cold foods and drinks.

Homeopathic Management of Rhinitis

Homeopathy is based on a holistic approach and finding the root cause of the ailment and individualizing the case is important for prescription.

Rhinitis (acute, chronic, allergic, atrophic) can be effectively treated in Homeopathy. The Homeopath will ask you a set of questions regarding the following so a keen observation of yourself and your physical condition is necessary. In case of allergic rhinitis diathesis (tendency to develop allergy) and constitutional prescription is practiced.

Homeopathic treatment of Rhinitis focuses on selecting the remedies based on--

  • Causative factors/ Triggering factors
  • Symptoms specific to the patient, their modalities and concomitants- Factors that improve or worsen the condition, any other related/non related symptoms associated with present condition.
  • Individualizing each case because every individual is different from one another and triggering factors for every individual are also different. Giving the right amount of weightage to these things help in choosing and customizing the right remedy for the patient.
  • The dosage is selected on the basis of many factors such as the severity of the condition, age, how long one has been suffering, etc thereby giving a permanent solution along with the general management.

Reference- A Short Book of ENT Diseases by KB Bhargava, SK Bhargava & TM Shah

What is Laryngitis?

Laryngitis is a condition of swelling or inflammation of the larynx or voice box. Inside the larynx, there are two folds of tissues (vocal cords) which are composed of muscle and cartilage. The vocal cords open and close smoothly, forming sounds through their movement and vibration. When these tissues are inflamed, the movement of the voice cords may be hampered and there is no proper inflow of air through them rendering it difficult to produce sounds. In this condition, the voice becomes hoarse and rough. Laryngitis can be acute or chronic.

Causative factors:

  • Age- Children are frequently affected because of a small lumen formed due to odema, spasms or sudden muscular contraction in the larynx; weaker cough reflex in children. Chronic laryngitis occurs predominantly in males over the age of 20.
  • Infections- viral or bacterial and other respiratory infections like sinusitis, bronchitis, and tonsillitis,
  • Over-use of voice, smoking, alcohol, oesophageal reflux disease.
  • Atmospheric pollution and occupation which require the use of your voice box, namely in singers, teachers, public speakers etc. 

What are the symptoms of laryngitis?

  • Hoarseness- voice becomes husky initially and later may lead to complete loss of voice.
  • Feeling of rawness and dryness in the throat.
  • Sometimes pain and dry cough and trouble in swallowing.

General Management of laryngitis-

  • Voice rest- the patient should restrict speaking to the minimum and forced whisper and shouting should be avoided.
  • Steam inhalation can help to soothe the throat.
  • Abstinence from smoking and alcohol and getting appropriately treated for GORD.

Homeopathic Management-

Homeopathy is based on a holistic approach and finding the root cause of the ailment and individualizing the case is important for prescription.

Laryngitis both acute and chronic can be effectively treated in Homeopathy. The Homeopath will ask you a set of questions regarding the following so a keen observation of yourself and your physical condition is necessary.

Homeopathic treatment of laryngitis focuses on selecting the remedies based on--

  • Causative factors
  • Symptoms that are specific to the patient, their modalities and concomitants- Factors that improve or worsen the condition, any other related/non-related symptoms associated with present condition.
  • Individualizing each case because every individual is different from one another and triggering factors for every individual is also different. Giving the right amount of weightage to these things help in choosing and customizing the right remedy for the patient.
  • The dosage is selected on the basis of many factors, such as severity of the condition, age, how long one has been suffering etc thereby giving a permanent solution along with the general management.


Reference- A Short Book of ENT Diseases by KB Bhargava, SK Bhargava & TM Shah