The prevalence of Haemorrhoids or Piles as it is commonly called, is on the rise. People with Pitta-Vata constitution (prakriti) dominate population especially in the tropics. Vagbhata, in his text says that when disease and constitution have similar doshic background, curability becomes a challenge. Added to this, the Indian subcontinent is experiencing steady rise of temperature. Diet dominant in spicy, oily and sour food content with above mentioned factors results in Pitta increase. This in association with prolonged sitting, travel, unregulated bowel movement leads to Rakta-Arsas ( bleeding piles).

Patients of haemorrhoids are well aware of surgery options. But, they wish for a promising medical management of their disease. Ayurveda has a lot to offer in patients of haemorrhoids, in those where pile mass is of smaller size. Ayurveda views Arsas or piles as an outcome of mandagni( digestive deficit at the mahabhuta level pertaining to earth-water-fire elements). Holistic Ayurvedic understanding of Arsas achieves control of bleeding and pain. Pile mass reduces in size over a period of time by the effect of external application and internal medication. Above all, diet and lifestyle changes are necessary. To be precise, it is advisable to reduce pitta aggravating diet. Else, it will be like adding fuel to the fire.

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