Thoughts of hurting yourself or others?

Feeling low/sad most of the time?

Losing interest in regular day to day activities?

Feeling of worthlessness or guilt?

Difficulty in concentrating?

Dramatic changes in eating and sleeping habits?

Nothing cheers you up?

Feeling anxious all the time?

Unable to have clear thoughts?

Frequent and persistent feelings of anger and sadness?

Significant weight loss or gain?

Inability to cope with daily activities?

Not clear about what you want?

Withdrawal from social activities or relationships?


Then you need immediate medical attention, for these are the symptoms of “Depression”. Depression has been surrounded by a strong stigma. Myths like “depression is a sign of weakness” and “feeling sad isn’t manly” can be debilitating thoughts that prevent people from seeking help.

In this busy life, we often tend to miss noticing some of the beautiful things that are happening around us. And spending time with our loved ones has become an option which we rarely choose. We are so self-absorbed that we tend to lose the track of time and the need for having someone to talk to. Often we direct the feelings of happiness or sadness inwards. Cultivating a habit of spending and sharing quality physical time with people who are close to us, helps us in sharing our thoughts and feelings. And this is what we call “Catharsis”. You can also spend more time with your pets. Studies have shown that 74% of people with pets report having mental health improvements from owning a pet. If not, over time these feelings pile up and render us feeling helpless. And this is results in depression. Regardless of what you choose to do, make sure you take the time to talk to someone about what you are feeling.

So how do you know if you are just sad or if you are suffering from depression? The main thing is to remember that if you have been feeling sad or depressed for more than two weeks, you may have Clinical depression.

Depression is a mental disorder globally affecting 264 million people according to the WHO and women are more affected than men. Depression can be persistent or exist as bipolar disorder, in which the person experiences a state of maniacal happiness and sadness alternatively. If the above mentioned symptoms are overpowering and affecting day to day activities then medical intervention is necessary.

Homeopathy can effectively treat Clinical Depression through medications that are tailored to the specific symptoms and needs of the person. Medicines not only gives a sense of well-being but also a positive hope and outlook towards a healthy life. The results can be usually seen in a few days up to a week. Depression falls under the syphillitic miasm in the Homeopathic concept where the person is self destructive and goes onto losing interest in living. A lot of Homeopathic remedies fall under this category of miasm and a carefully chosen remedy with the right dose can work wonders. Also, along with some behavioural therapy and counselling, people with depression can come out of it with new hopes and a positive outlook towards life.

We say “Ignorance is bliss”. But here, being aware of oneself and getting the right help at the right time can save a person’s valuable life.


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