Decoding and Differentiating Physical activity from Exercise

The WHO defines physical activity as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure —including activities undertaken while working, playing, carrying out household chores, traveling, and engaging in recreational pursuits.

Physical inactivity in relation to the nature of work, transportation modes in the cities, and increasing urbanization of humanity has increased in the last few decades affecting all human populations. Recent statistics (WHO report 2010) show that at least 23% of adults over 18 were not active enough (men 20% and women 35%) globally, but that proportions increase to 26% in men and 35% in women in high-income countries (vs. 12% men and 24% women in low-income countries.

Exercise is termed as Vyayama while vihara is the right word for physical activity. As stated above, physical inactivity is the main reason behind obesity. Obesity or Sthoulya is one of the consequences of inactivity. Diseases under Santarpanajanya( excess nutrition) could be obesity and many other diseases like indigestion, eruption of pustules, excessive sleep, urticaria, insomnia, pruritus etc.

In all the mentioned diseases it is not just an increase of fat tissue which is the consequence. There is a qualitative deficit in blood tissue ( rakta dhatu) according to Ayurveda leading to skin manifestations. Physical inactivity is the leading cause for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus or Prameha in Ayurvedic terms. Sedentarism is termed as Asyasukham/ swapnasukham in Ayurveda. Physical activity is essential to keep tissue level digestion active in the body. Inactivity leads to limited expulsion of Mala(excreta ) from the body like sweat. If this is hampered, the excretory aspect gets lodged in the blood as kleda and leads to skin blisters, Diabetes Mellitus and even renal functions could be affected.

Exercise capacity is linked to the person who does it. But physical activity can be prescribed and quantified based on the condition like classical Diabetes Mellitus. Ayurveda prescribes physical activity for this as a caretaker of a cowshed along with water supply in charge through a well for the family. Duration is also mentioned in the text as one month for this activity. Exercise capacity has the endpoint as sweat appearing in axilla, nose, forehead. Physical activity has an endpoint in the form of a project completion within a time period.  Physical activity is all about involving various kinds of movements linked to day to day activities like walking, bending, cleaning and drawing water from a well through a rope. Physical activity is complete only when the activity fulfills its intended purpose whereas exercise aims at improving fitness and musculature.

Physical activity is recommended for many diseases. There are few contraindications, exercise is contraindicated in many diseases like bleeding disorders, chronic cough etc. Physical activity is the first step to be taken for any person who is recovering from a disease. Strenuous exercise is for people who are already healthy.

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