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What are Haemorrhoids?

Haemorrhoids also knows as piles are enlarged blood vessels (veins) that are present inside the anus and rectum or in the skin around the anus causing difficulty or uneasiness while passing stools. It is condition common in both male and female. Females are usually affected during pregnancy when the intra-abdominal pressure is more because of the growing size of the uterus causing compression of the veins in the anus and rectum.

What are the common causes of piles?

  • Hereditary- often seen in members of the same family.
  • Obesity and pregnancy
  • Having low fiber diet
  • Weight lifting
  • Chronic constipation
  • Benign prostatic enlargement
  • Secondary to Cancer of rectum (uncommon)

When to see a doctor?

  • It is advised when you experience difficulty in passing stool for a long time.
  • Painless splashes of bright red bleeding during bowel movement
  • Feel a lump in the anus
  • Pain is a rare symptom of piles unless there is a venus thrombosis. This condition is sudden and often resolves itself or may cause sudden bleeding.
  • Occasional mucous discharge from the anus.
  • Itching in the third or fourth degree piles due to engorged mucous membrane and irritation of the skin around the anus, respectively.

There are four degrees of Haemorrhoids:

  • First degree- piles does not come out of the anus
  • Second degree- piles come out only during stools and recede by themselves.
  • Third degree-piles come out during stools and do not return by themselves
  • Fourth degree- piles that are permanently out of the anus.

General Management and prevention of Haemorrhoids:

  • Eating high fiber diet like fruits, vegetables and whole grains
  • Drinking plenty of fluids
  • Exercise regularly and stay active to prevent constipation and reduce pressure on the veins.
  • Avoid long periods of sitting in the toilet thereby reducing the pressure in the veins.

Homeopathic Management of Haemorrhoids:-

Homeopathy is based on a holistic approach taking the person’s mind, emotions and body into consideration and finding the root cause of the ailment and individualizing the case.

Haemorrhoids and related constipation can be effectively treated in Homeopathy unless it is an acute venous thrombosis which needs immediate medical intervention. The Homeopath will ask you a set of questions about the following so a keen observation of yourself and your physical condition is necessary.

Homeopathic management and remedy selection focusses on the following factors.

  • Causative and triggering factors as Homeopathy believes that a finding out the cause is like uprooting a tree; which helps in giving permanent relief to the patient
  • Duration and severity of suffering
  • In case of pain- location of pain, any specific sensation
  • Modalities and concomittants- Factors that improves or worsens the condition, any other related/non related symptoms associated with present condition.
  • Family and past history of similar illness and other generalities like appetite, thirst, sleep, urine and bowel habits which help in individualizing the case which is unique to Homeopathy.

Reference- A Concise Textbook of Surgery- S Das

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