Prostate is a gland that is present in the pelvic cavity of males from birth. A common condition which affects the prostate is Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH).

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy is a common age-related condition affecting males over 40 years of age, where the prostate increases in volume by 2.4 cm cube per year on an average. It is a benign condition, not malignant as cancer. There is an increase in the size of the prostate gland leading to difficulty in passing urine, urinary retention, hesitancy, poor and prolonged flow and sensation of incomplete emptying.

The prostate gland is located encircling the urethra presses the urethra and causes difficulty during the passage of urine and emptying the bladder as a result there is an increase in post voidal urine levels which is the amount of urine retained in the bladder even after passing urine. Urinary retention is a painless condition unless there is an infection affecting kidneys, ureter or the bladder.

Rarely this condition can be precipitated by constipation, chronic retention of urine with changes in the kidneys and ureter and other prostatic infection which requires immediate intervention.

Now the question is how Homeopathy tackles Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy. Homeopathic treatment for BPH is symptomatic and individualistic. Even though Prostatic enlargement is a surgical condition, people often show very good positive improvement in terms of reduction  in the size of prostate, other symptoms related to bladder movements in a few weeks to a month from Homeopathic treatment. In homeopathic concept, BPH comes under Sycotic miasm which is an abnormal enlargement of tissues and organs. The treatment is focused on reducing the size of the prostate gland thereby relieving the patient from urinary discomfort and other symptoms. Remedies are chosen from a set of medicines which come under Sycotic miasm. The totality of symptoms comprising of ones that are unique and distinct to the patient, considering his age and vitality, duration of suffering, the severity of the condition are given importance in remedy selection.

Along with medications, advising the person to have regular bladder and bowel habits, keeping oneself active and hydrated, BPH can be kept under check and the person can lead a normal healthy life.

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