Morning sickness in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a happy, daunting and challenging phase in the life of women. Whether you are a first-time parent-to-be or a parenting expert, pregnancy often throws up a million questions and difficulties which are subjective to the woman. One such difficulty is morning sickness which affects 80% of pregnant women during the first trimester and […]

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Care for your Prostate

Prostate is a gland that is present in the pelvic cavity of males from birth. A common condition which affects the prostate is Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH). Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy is a common age-related condition affecting males over 40 years of age, where the prostate increases in volume by 2.4 cm cube per year on an average. […]

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Decoding Depression

Thoughts of hurting yourself or others? Feeling low/sad most of the time? Losing interest in regular day to day activities? Feeling of worthlessness or guilt? Difficulty in concentrating? Dramatic changes in eating and sleeping habits? Nothing cheers you up? Feeling anxious all the time? Unable to have clear thoughts? Frequent and persistent feelings of anger […]

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From Night owl to Early bird!

Morning- Tired? Evening- Dying for rest? Night- Can’t sleep? That is exactly what we call Insomnia or sleeplessness! A recent survey tells us that 6 out of 10 people suffer from sleeplessness and is common in teenagers, middle age and old age. Sleep is very important for physical and mental health. Regular sleeping habits help […]

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Decoding and Differentiating Physical activity from Exercise

The WHO defines physical activity as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure —including activities undertaken while working, playing, carrying out household chores, traveling, and engaging in recreational pursuits. Physical inactivity in relation to the nature of work, transportation modes in the cities, and increasing urbanization of humanity has increased in […]

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Troubleshooting water issues this Summer – 3 – Water in various forms

Apart from direct intake of water, there are other forms such as food recipes, drinks like buttermilk and an exclusive summer specific Ahara Kalpana ( diet speciality) called Panakam. Festivals during summer are ruled by buttermilk and Panakam. In fact, panakam finds a place during Sarad Rtu celebrations ( autumn season) because during that phase, […]

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