A situation where a person has to face severe one sided or occasionally both the sides, can be very disgruntling. Focus on work or studies, takes a beating and irritability comes into the picture. Aversion to light and sound forces the person to stay alone in a calm setting. Travel, exposure to hot weather, lack of proper night sleep are major trigger factors for headache. For women, from two days before their monthly menstrual cycle, life will be miserable. Typically, vomiting whether spontaneous or induced relieves headache, but that does not give assurance about absence of the headache episodes in future.


From Ayurveda’s perspective, Migraine is called as Suryavarta or Ardhavabhedaka. Of course it is listed under list of Head diseases but the problem starts from the stomach. Medicines aim at correction of Agni by regulating Pitta, thereby reduce the frequency and intensity of headache. Nausea is relieved by  taking preparations like those containing pomegranate, gooseberry, ginger etc. For example, Madiphalarasayanam. Pain relief is achieved by medicines like Godanthibhasma, Haritaki, Draksha, Nimba etc.


Expected positive outcome of treatment is within a minimum span of 15 days to a maximum of 6 months. Ensuring proper sleep, limiting travel chances in the initial phase, exposure to heat, strong light, avoiding stress and less oily-less spicy food are important aspects to be followed for promising relief from migraine.


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