Scorching heat in summer drains energy and moisture from every living being on earth. But our ancient culture of welcoming people at home by offering a glass of buttermilk makes us forget the summer impact. It is not hospitality, but the goodness of buttermilk that augurs well for relieving the tiredness of summer. How many of us know that even Indra was not able to fetch buttermilk at heaven and hence had to come to earth? Every product of cow’s milk is unique in its own way. Milk, curd, butter, buttermilk and ghee all have special attributes relevant for specific health challenges. Among these, buttermilk has a pivotal role in colon health, improving appetite, removing fatigue, healing haemorrhoids and even useful in liver disorders.

There are various methods of preparing buttermilk based on proportion. Among these for summer, buttermilk has to be prepared by removing butter and adding half the quantity of water to curd. This pacifies all the three doshas especially vata-pitta during summer. Only disclaimer is buttermilk is not be consumed while suffering from fever and cough. Otherwise it is definitely a boon for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, colitis and it can cure the indigestion caused due to consumption of ghee.

Ideal taste of buttermilk has to be Astringent and sour. If it is more sour, it can cause hyperacidity and heart burn. It should not be refrigerated or should be brought to room temperature and used. Except making certain recipes, buttermilk is not be boiled and consumed. Rock salt, curry leaves, coriander can be regular additions but ginger should be used only if it was a heavier meal prior to buttermilk.

Let us celebrate buttermilk every summer!!

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