Computer eye syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome
Eye problems occurring due to computer, mobile and tablets are collectively named as  computer vision syndrome (CVS).  It is actually a whole range of eye strain and discomfort. About 50% to 90% of people who work at a computer screen do experience some symptom or the other.

Kids who stare at tablets, mobile or use computers during the day at school can have issues, too, especially if the lighting and their posture are less than ideal. Basically this is like any other repetitive strain injury because of the continuous exposure to screen, constant focus with only one particular group of eye muscles involved in the process. Frequency of blinking eyes is far less compared with reading a non bright object like a book. Continuous glare at  the screen causes dryness and blurring of vision. Due to non-flexibility, presbyopia will be the undesired consequence. Correcting the ergonomics, taking intermittent breaks are necessary. Ayurveda approaches the problem as Vata - Pitta ( Vata due to Atiyoga or excessive use of eye) ( Pitta - arising from exposure to bright light ) The structures of eye need to be protected through chakshushya ( eye promotive) drugs in the form of internal medicines and drops or ghee. Internal medicines help in nourishing the eye structures. In this condition, internal medication needs to be continued as long as screen time is not reduced by at least 50 percent.

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