Troubleshooting water issues this Summer – 2

Water, the elixir of life as said by Sir C.V.Raman, is nature’s boon.

Gangambu the purest form of water according to Ayurveda has non-specific taste because it comes as rain from the clouds. But water on earth acquires taste by nature of the soil. Drinking water these days has become standardized, subjected to reverse osmosis, addition of minerals, packaging and storage. By and large, irrespective of place of water plant, the property remains same. Interpreting from Ayurvedic perspective, water of this kind has mild bitter taste and it tends to increase Vata. Even water that is available through domestic borewell and wells also increase Vata during summer. This adds to the increase of tiredness during summer. To create a beneficial effect of water regardless of its source or purification method, certain herbs are to be boiled in water or soaked in water overnight, to give the desired effect for summer season. These herbs help in relieving thirst effectively as well as hydration. Examples of herbs to be used in summer are Useera, Chandana, Kataka, Sariva, neem flower and lotus petals.

On the other hand, consuming ice cold water gives a momentary relief but it is not good for udakavaha srotas(water channels) in the body. Ice water is cold but dry and can easily trigger inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It puts down appetite and if consumed during or after meal, causes incomplete digestion. Textual references say that warm water can also cleanse bladder ( improve urination) and it is cooling in effect post digestion. In summer, water stored in mud is cooling and that which has little vetiveria ( வெட்டிவேர் ) is more friendly to the urinary tract, removes bad odour in sweat and helps also overcome thirst. How much and when to drink water? Is it recommended in equal quantity to all? These are to be answered.                                                                                                                    …..To be contd..

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